SHD Marketing | Your Full-Service South Shore Marketing Agency

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Update your copyright date in your website footer in 5 simple steps.

Here are 5 simple steps for updating the date (or any other content) within your Squarespace website.

First let’s discuss what it is and why it is important. A copyright footer and disclaimer helps protect your content from theft. We recommend adding this information to your footer—which appears on every page of your website.

Easy-peasy: If you have a copyright footer that needs updating or you want to add one, follow these simple steps and you’ll be done in under 5 min.

  1. Log into

  2. Go to PAGES

  3. On the HOME PAGE, scroll down to your footer

  4. Click on EDIT FOOTER

    1. To Update Your Copyright content: Hover over the existing content and click your mouse in the area of the text you want to edit. Delete any necessary text and add in “Copyright ©2023 SHD Marketing. All Rights Reserved.” (the bold and italicized text should be YOUR company name).

    2. To Add Copyright content: Hover over the footer and click on the “+” symbol or the “+ ADD BLOCK” button. Select TEXT and past in the following: “Copyright ©2023 SHD Marketing. All Rights Reserved.” (the bold and italicized text should be YOUR company name). You can then move the text box to the bottom of the footer and decide on how you want it to look. If you want to center it or have it left-aligned.

  5. Now proof it and hit SAVE.

Wish these type of edits were handled automatically for you? That’s why we created our Website Maintenance Packages—they allow us to take care of all of your website edits so you can focus on what you do best—selling your services and focusing on your clients. Learn more here>>.

While you are at it, why not set a task reminder for Jan 1, 2024 to do the same thing!

If you have any questions, let us know.

~ SHD Marketing Team